Feb 13, 2020 30 Best Opening Lines To Use On Dating Apps To Win Everyone Over. It goes without saying that your opening line has the potential to make or break a match on a dating app. If you totally knock. Best dating jokes ever - Unijokes.com - 34 Dating jokes - page 2. A young man finally got a date with the blonde female that lived in his apartment complex. To prepare for his big date, the young man went up on to the roof of his apartment building in order to tan himself. Not wanting any tan lines to show, he sunbathed in the nude.

'I call big spoon. Is that gonna be a problem?'

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It goes without saying that your opening line has the potential to make or break a match on a dating app. If you totally knock it out of the park with a cute or clever opener, you can not only land a date, but also spark some flirtatious vibes from the get-go. No pressure or anything, right? If you're feeling uninspired (or just tired of using the same ol' conversation starters), fret not: There are a slew of opening lines to use on dating apps that will make a stellar first impression.

There's an art to crafting the best opening lines. For one, you want to be yourself — that's the only way to tell if you have a genuine connection with someone. It's also a good idea to scope their profile and look for little tidbits worth commenting on, like the fact that they traveled somewhere that's on your wanderlust wishlist, or have an interesting tattoo. Be on the lookout for anything you have in common — if you both majored in child psychology, quoted Dwight Schrute, or live for folk-rock music, those are all things you can point out in smooth opening lines.

Ultimately, a winning first message is unique, easy to respond to, and makes the recipient smile, laugh, or smirk (or some combination of the three). Here are a few good opening lines that are bound to stand out in a sea of matches and messages.

  • 'Pop quiz: What are your thoughts on pineapple pizza? No pressure, but this could seal our fate.'
  • 'I think there's something wrong with my phone... because I can't find your number in it.'
  • '[Insert GIF of the Titanic splitting in half] An icebreaker. There, I did the thing.'
  • 'In case you were wondering, dad jokes are the way to my heart. Anddd fire away! The cornier, the better.'
  • 'Two truths and one lie — go. Fair warning: I'm pretty good at this.'
  • 'Looking for the Jim to my Pam... know anyone who might be interested?'
  • 'I have this rule where I only talk to strangers on the Internet about pizza. So, thin crust or deep dish?'
  • 'You can tell a lot about a person by their Netflix queue. So, what's the last thing you watched?'
  • 'I'm going to make this real easy. If you want to make me swoon, send me the best animal GIF you can find.'
  • 'Be honest: Did you swipe right for me or my fur baby?'
  • 'What size bowling shoes should I get for you? You know, for our date at the bowling alley this weekend.'
  • 'If you were a vegetable, you'd be a cute-cumber.'
  • 'If you were a fruit, you'd be a fine-apple.'
  • 'When your mom told you she wanted the best for you, I'm pretty sure she was talking about me.'
  • 'My grandparents met on [insert dating app name], so I'm feeling really good about this.'
  • 'I've heard that flattery will get you everywhere, so has anyone ever told you that you look like [insert celeb's name]?'
  • 'I don't mean to brag but I happen to be really good at overthinking my dating app messages. What about you?'
  • 'Wanna send memes back and forth until we finally feel comfortable enough to meet up IRL?'
  • “I’m from the future and we need to be together because our child will achieve world peace.'
  • 'Let’s just skip to the important stuff: Chunky or smooth peanut butter?'
  • 'Sorry it took me so long to message you, I was at Trader Joe's trying to figure out what to buy you for breakfast.'
  • Serious question. Best invention: tacos or [insert dating app you matched on]?'
  • 'Here's my life story in five emojis. I'd love to hear your interpretation of that. Better yet, what's yours?'
  • 'I call big spoon. Is that gonna be a problem?'
  • 'Real talk. Is that actually your cute dog or did you borrow him for bait? (BTW, it's totally working).'
  • “Sorry, I’m looking for the exit, so we can go out?”
  • “If you could live in any sitcom, what sitcom would it be?”
  • “You’re putting together a mixtape for your crush, what’s your opener song?”
  • “I can tell a lot about a person from their favorite Disney movie. What’s yours?”
  • “Choose your own adventure: Brunch date, hiking date, or movie date?”

The goal is to kick off the convo with a line your match cannot refuse, and any of these dating app opening lines is sure to do that. By putting in the extra effort to say more than just a “hey,” you’ll start seeing those replies in no time.

Funny dating app messages

As the editor of a dating magazine, I see a lot of dating tips from a lot of different sources. Whether it’s experts in psychology and relationships, dating coaches, a bartender, best-selling authors, or someone’s best friend, some of the best dating and relationship advice comes from the most unlikely of places. But sometimes, it helps to got to the most likely place too… In this case, straight to the source. If you’re looking for some good online dating tips for men, why not ask other women who are online dating what tips they would give you?

To help out we surveyed over 3,000 women on the online dating site and app Zoosk and asked what their top online dating tips for men are. What we got was some great insight and some short, but sweet tips men can start using right away.

Book Of Jokes App

Here are their 33 online dating tips for men:

1. “Be honest from the beginning! Kindness truly is hot, so if you’re trying to impress a woman, that’s an excellent place to start.”

2. “Don’t just say hi, personalize your message at least a little. You don’t have to write a novel, but a couple of sentences so that I know you’re aren’t just fishing helps a lot.”

3. “When you take a picture for your profile, make sure we can see your eyes.”

4. “Like, winks, etc. are how women give you the signal to message them.”

5. “If you’re chatting with me and we have a lot in common and you like me, let me know. I want to move forward to see if we should meet.”

6. “Don’t use the word drama in your profile. Life is full of ups and downs—that’s what gives life color and depth. Using that word makes the assumption that women are the only ones that are involved in drama.”


7. “Smile! (I’m always amazed at how many men have pictures of them frowning or not smiling.)”

8. “With online dating, you need to find the right balance between chatting online and having real-life experiences. If you go too long chatting, you can turn into a pen pal.”

9. “Have a good, recent photo. Don’t have pictures of your cars or other trophies and don’t crop out former significant others and leave behind a hand on your shoulder.”

10. “Don’t limit yourself to finding true love in a 5 mile radius. Your soulmate may live further away than that.”

11. “Say something! Don’t keep sending hearts or smiley faces.”

12. “When approaching a woman, don’t start out with a compliment on her physical appearance, or just say hi or hey. Comment on something in her picture, but not her looks, or comment on something in her profile that caught your eye.”

13. “You aren’t trying to impress another man, you’re trying to impress a woman, which means, you might have to show a softer side. A slimy fish photo might not be the best thing to use in your profile.”

14. “Don’t start out by calling a woman sweetie or beautiful. Until you get to know someone that comes off as just another line.”

15. “Start a general conversation and go from there.”

16. “Don’t talk too much about yourself at first. Ask about her.”

17. “Be kind, be understanding, and above all be yourself.”

18. “Always end your conversations with a question to show you’re interested and want to continue talking.”

19. “Be strong and confident enough to know what you want and go for it.”

20. “Don’t text or email excessively. Exchange a few messages then ask about meeting. Coffee or a drink is best.”

21. “Asking for more photos is a turn off. Don’t do it.”

22. “Get to know her, and what she likes and dislikes. You want to build a friendship with her that builds up your relationship.”

23. “Make the first move by saying something fun and/or interesting.”

24. “Women are just as nervous and scared as men. Just talk to us like you would anyone else.”

25. “Take good pictures, ask me questions to get to know me better, make me laugh, and be open.”

26. “Never walk away from a conversation even if it’s online. Just tell her you have to go and talk later.”

27. “Be yourself from the very beginning. When you try to impress someone, your true self gets lost and that might be what the other person really wants.”

28. “Don’t be afraid to tell a woman how you really feel about something. There is nothing wrong with having an opinion and she will appreciate the honesty.”

Funny Dating App Messages

29. “Give her a second chance if she’s shy.”

Best Dating App Jokes For Men

30. “Talk and chat like you’re hanging out with a friend at first.”


31. “Don’t look at a woman’s dating profile a million times and say nothing. Even hi is good if you’re at a loss for what to say.”

32. “Consider someone you might not usually be attracted to.”

33. “Approach online dating with an open heart. Everyone is a new person.”

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