There are definitely some challenges when it comes to dating as a millionaire. Millionaire dating can be an amazing, out-of-this-world experience. Access to the best restaurants, the most unique and exclusive activities, and the ability to shower your date with everything they could possibly want — but that doesn't mean it's all easy. The first step is, simply enough, to meet a millionaire. This is easier said than done. The question I am asked most frequently by women who want to marry a millionaire is – Where to Meet a Millionaire. As a Dating Coach specializing in matchmaking for millionaires, I can say that being in the right place is a large part of success. Dating a millionaire takes the small money headache out of the way, and I don’t know about you, but small money caused me a lot of headaches dating regular guys. And don’t tell me that people don’t argue over money in relationships because the number one cause of divorces is Money.

There are definitely some challenges when it comes to dating as a millionaire. Millionaire dating can be an amazing, out-of-this-world experience. Access to the best restaurants, the most unique and exclusive activities, and the ability to shower your date with everything they could possibly want — but that doesn't mean it's all easy. The real question is, when dating as a millionaire — how big should you go on a first date?

Some people expect dating a millionaire to be a non-stop roller coaster ride. And, of course, when you care about someone, you want to give them the best experience possible — you want to show how much you care. But you also want to make sure that a person is genuine, that they want you for you — rather than just being excited by an exclusive dating experience.

So what is the perfect first date for a millionaire? Well, the truth is — there's no easy answer. But there are some things you can take into consideration about yourself, your date, how you know each other and what you like to do. If you keep all of this in mind, you'll get the best chance of a long-term connection. Here's what you need to keep in mind when you're a millionaire going on a first date.

How Well Do You Know This Person?First and foremost, how do you know this person? And how well do you know them? If they're a person you've known for a long time, then your lifestyle won't be a surprise to them. Pull out all the stops — an amazing restaurant, a private helicopter ride, an entire spa day for the two of you. It's all fair game. If you don't know this person as well, you might want to keep the date more low-key and look at it as a chance to get to know them. You can still have an incredible dinner or a romantic trip, but make sure you focus on the conversation. This will not only help you to get more familiar with them, you'll make sure they're getting to know you and not just your lifestyle.

How Long Do You Want To Spend Together?

Some millionaires love the idea of chartering a private jet and going to dinner somewhere exotic even on a first date. And it sounds great, in theory. But you need to think about the logistics of this date. If you don't know someone very well, spending an entire day or an eight hour evening with them can be a little overwhelming. Sure, it may sound like fun to have a totally over-the-top first date, but be realistic. If you don't know someone that well, focus on quality time not the quantity of time. That way, if the date doesn't go as well, you can both make your exits gracefully.

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What Do You Want Out Of A Relationship?

What are you looking for right now? A big, flashy first date sends exactly that signal — that you just want it to be a flash in the pan. And that's OK, if that's what you're looking for. If you're just looking for a fling, then why not go over-the-top and have the most outrageously fun date that money can buy? But if you're looking for a long-term connection then, when dating as a millionaire, you may want to play down the millionaire status. Small, thoughtful gestures will go a lot further than big, flashy ones, even on a first date. Think about what this person has expressed an interest in and build a date around that, rather than just showing off your millionaire lifestyle.

You Can Always Give Them The Choice

As a millionaire, it may feel like there's always pressure on you to take the lead. You can feel like it's your job to make the plans, your job to set the scene. But if you're really interested in getting to know this person, it's totally fine to ask them to plan the date. This will give you some insight into what they're like, but it will also help you feel secure that they're not just interested in the amazing perks that come with dating a millionaire. Putting the ball in their court can be a really telling experience — and it gives you the opportunity to relax.

Going on a first date as a millionaire can be a strange experience. It's normal to feel a lot of pressure. You want your date to have a good time, you have so many options available to you, but you also don't want to hit the wrong note. So think a lot about this person, how you know them, and what you want from the potential relationship that's blooming. And, when in doubt, you can put the ball in their court. Millionaire dating should be fun, so don't stress yourself out.

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More Dating Advice

While dating a dude who’s loaded might seem like a total dream, I learned the hard way that rich guys aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. I dated a millionaire and after that experience, I’ll never do it again.

Time is of the essence and I clearly wasn’t worth his.
The reason my relationship didn’t grow is that my partner couldn’t be bothered to put in any time or effort. The fact of the matter is, millionaires don’t have that kind of time. I can’t be with someone who makes me feel like an inconvenience or like I’m not a priority. My ex-millionaire made me feel like my request to spend more time together was totally inappropriate and a pain in the butt. No thanks.

Words are just that—words.
I had to learn the hard way not to trust the word of a millionaire. My ex was totally incapable of keeping promises because he was always looking out for number one, and I wasn’t it. If he made me a promise and suddenly it wasn’t serving his best interests anymore, that promise was as good as broken.

Dating As A Millionaire

The more money he had, the worse he became.
Once he began to make more money, he began to start living lavishly. This lifestyle involved private planes, bottle service, and foreign cars to top it all off. I understand that it was easy for him to get caught up in all of that luxury, but that didn’t stop me from feeling worthless when the clubbing and girls proved to be more important than I was.

He thought money was the answer to everything.
Dating a millionaire sometimes made me feel like I was a corrupt judge. I found myself accepting bribes a lot of the time. In his mind, there was no problem that a weekend getaway or some kind of lavish gift couldn’t fix. This got old really quickly, and I can honestly say that I would give it all back for him to actually communicate with me instead of trying to buy me out of my anger and disappointment all the time.

The power struggle was real.
My ex-millionaire was as power-hungry as he was money-hungry. He had difficulty treating me as a full and equal partner because he was so used to having people work for him rather than with him. It was very rare that he ever understood the importance of my schedule and he almost never valued it enough to change his own to accommodate for mine.

I got labeled as a gold digger.
My ex was always in the public eye and therefore so was I. The number one thing people started to say about me was that I was a “gold digger.” I really just need for this entire word to be stricken from the English vocabulary. It’s such a derogatory term, and it’s often said by those who have no knowledge of your relationship besides what they see on social media. Sure, our social media accounts boasted some of the fanciest restaurants, but what did that have to do with anything?

Showing off was second nature to him.
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve cringed at the gaudy way my ex-millionaire splashed his money all over social media, I might actually be as rich as him! He liked to do this thing called “humble bragging.” He’d say something like, “I hate driving the Benz with my Yeezys on.” Yes, this sentence seriously left his mouth.

My career didn’t impress him.
My ex liked to correlate success with money. Obviously, us normal folks know better than that and understand that success is truly measured by having a sense of purpose in your life. Anything I did school or work-wise failed to impress him. That’s because it wasn’t making me big bucks like his career was doing for him. It was so draining having to hear the small jabs at my profession all the time. I knew that the underlying message was “I make more.” This simple fact loomed over our heads for the entirety of the relationship.

Image was everything.
I’ll be the first to admit that dating a millionaire turned me into an incredibly shallow version of myself. I became obsessed with looking perfect all the time. It’s a lot of pressure dating someone who only goes to dinner at five-star restaurants and I found myself feeling the need to live up to this trophy girlfriend status. It was a terrible feeling.

I had to take a backseat throughout the entire relationship.
I wasn’t riding shotgun in his life—that spot was reserved for his money and career. I wasn’t even in the back seat; that’s where his family, business partners, and best friends went. I was in the trunk and frankly, lucky to even be in the car. Dating a millionaire meant I would never be a priority in his life. While some people may be OK with this, I was most certainly not.

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