Sadly after over 15 years, we have decided to close Spark Dating.

100% Free Ireland Dating. A 100% free Online Dating service for Ireland singles with loads of quality features to help you connect with friends in Ireland and worldwide. Many online dating sites claim to be free, and then surprise you with charges for features such as emailing, chat, IM, etc. Irish Singles is an online singles site that allows men and women from all over the world to meet singles who live in Ireland or are of Irish descent. Does an Irish accent drive you wild? If so, you have found the perfect website to meet your next date or lover. Our Irish mobile friendly singles site is the premier place for Irish singles and their admirers to meet for dates, relationships, and much more. Get the special advantage of utilizing our state of the art dating features to view and connect with our database of millions of Irish singles dating profiles.

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In that time, hundreds of couples met on Spark and we have had more than a few weddings. We also raised tens of thousands of euro for charity.

Irish dating websites

But over the past few years, demand for independent online dating sites has been declining as more people move towards using dating apps. As an independent, it is very difficult to compete with the big dating players who have budgets running into the hundreds of millions.

Also, the number of members has declined substantially since the pandemic. Dating is difficult if people can't meet up.

We will not be accepting any new members, but existing members can still login to their accounts and send messages. The site will close entirely at the end of August 2021.

Any questions, please email:

Sadly after over 15 years, we have decided to close Spark Dating.

In that time, hundreds of couples met on Spark and we have had more than a few weddings. We also raised tens of thousands of euro for charity.

Best Irish Dating Websites

But over the past few years, demand for independent online dating sites has been declining as more people move towards using dating apps. As an independent, it is very difficult to compete with the big dating players who have budgets running into the hundreds of millions.

Also, the number of members has declined substantially since the pandemic. Dating is difficult if people can't meet up.

We will not be accepting any new members, but existing members can still login to their accounts and send messages. The site will close entirely at the end of August 2021.

Any questions, please email: