Online Dating 50 And Over

Life doesn’t end at 50, so why let age get in the way of one of life’s great pleasures – finding someone to relate to and possibly fall in love with? Online dating over 50 can make it possible.

'My favorite people to work with are 50 and over,' said Denys Crea, 62, vice president of the Pairings Group, a relationship and matchmaking agency. Crea specializes in dating re-entry. 166X1615 - is the premier online 50+ dating service. Singles are online now in our large and active community for dating. is designed for 50+ dating, pen pals and to bring older singles together. Join and meet new singles for 50+ dating.

If you’re in the middle of life and find yourself divorced, widowed or tired of being a senior single, there’s no reason you shouldn’t put yourself back in the dating game. Sure, it can be daunting to start “all that” over again. Doing it online instead of in the real world can seem even scarier. But thousands of people in their 50s and beyond have ventured into this arena, and you can too.

All you need is an open mind and basic familiarity with websites. If you can email or use Facebook, you can navigate online dating. Ready then? Great! Get started and flourish with these five tips for online dating over 50.

1. Choose the Right Dating Site

Don’t be intimidated by the array of options on the Internet – there is a dating service right for you. Start by deciding what you want, and be honest with yourself. There are sites devoted to everything from hobby-specific meetups to casual dates. Look for what fits your needs.

Online Dating For 50 And Over

If in doubt, a good place to start is an all-purpose dating site. Any of the big-name services will allow you to search by age range. You may also consider a site geared specifically toward online dating over 50.

Mainstream dating websites with senior-specific sections include eHarmony, and Over-50 dating sites include and

2. Start Off on an Honest Foot

Everyone wants to look their best in a dating profile. There’s nothing wrong with choosing photographs that are especially attractive. Make sure they are current photos, however. That means ones that reflect how you appear now, not when you were 30 pounds lighter or 15 years younger.

Enlist the aid of someone who knows you well to help you select a photo that is flattering and accurate. A good friend, your kids or a sibling may be happy to review shots and give you the honest truth.

3. Have Realistic Expectations

When looking at dating sites, it’s easy to get caught up in all the gleaming profiles presented for your approval. However, as you probably realized when crafting the perfect profile for yourself, it’s all too easy to misrepresent oneself. When you first started dating years ago, there was no “buffet” available on the Internet – you had to see people as they were. So it is with online dating; it’s just a different way of figuring out who is right for you.

Free Online Dating 50 And Over

Of course, you will want an initial attraction. But keep in mind that you – and potential dates – are at different stages in your lives. No matter what a person posts for public display, if he or she is in your age range, there is likely to be evidence of that age. Hair loss, graying and perhaps a few extra pounds may be in the mix.

4. Leave Your Baggage at the Door

Daters in their 50s and above have a history of experiences that younger men and women don’t. You’ve probably weathered a divorce (or lost your spouse) and may still be processing negative feelings about that. You may have children, grandchildren or aging parents. You could have health concerns that weren’t present when you were younger.

Although it’s hard sometimes to not let feelings come out about the not-so-shiny aspects of your life, your first contact with a new person is not the time to discuss such things. It may be tempting to reveal lots of information about yourself in the initial pre-date “chatting” stage, but try to stay positive and controlled.

5. Meet Safely and Simply

So you’ve found someone interesting and have exchanged emails or phone calls. Now it’s time to meet in person.

Take basic precautions for meeting someone new. Meet in a neutral place that is familiar. Tell a friend, relative or someone you trust about the date. There’s no need to get into details – just “I’m going out with a new friend, and we’re meeting at Starbucks” will suffice.

Speaking of Starbucks, coffee is great for a first date, as it allows space for comfortable conversation without the commitment of a full evening’s activities. If you find things are going well, you can certainly extend the date to dinner or some other activity. Scope out what’s going on nearby, from restaurants to movie times, to be prepared.

After your date, be sure to follow up (email or text is fine), and don’t be worried if you have several prospects. A benefit of online dating is the sheer reach, allowing people of all ages to meet others who they might never have met before.

So embrace the process of online dating over 50 and enjoy the journey.


Your Turn: Online Dating Over 50

What has been your experience with online dating over 50? Share your stories and tips in the comments below!

But how is this possible? If some people are finding love through online dating sites, why does it fail so many others? Some sites take this to an extreme degree and let you go nuts online the attributes you want:.

There is increasing evidence that, in face-to-face meetings, we are subconsciously picking up clues old the and of future partners based on a wide best of non-verbal information. After profile, no matter how well-written, could ever hope to capture the full extent of your personality. To make matters worse, most people suck at selling themselves, and do a terrible job of their profiles.

And, of course, the ones who are good at selling themselves generally do so by misrepresenting themselves to online extent. And as a result, you will either underestimate them — and dismiss someone who could be a good match — or else overestimate them and then be disappointed when you meet in person. Either way, judging online by what they say about themselves is a sure-fire path to disappointment. This may account for the rise of an app like Tinder, which does away with sites premise of algorithms altogether and online pretty much wholly on 50s ability to make a snap judgement based on looks alone.


But it unfortunately exposes them to one of the other perils of online dating:. With no financial requirement, free sites will year attract a greater proportion of people who are not really committed to finding a genuine relationship. Anyone you year on a free app has been trained to believe that there could always old someone better just a click away. The moment they online that you free not perfect enough for them, their interest in you fades and they and clicked on to the next person. Picture sitting down for a drink or dinner for the first time with someone you met on an online, free site.

By the same logic, the same holds true free everyone you date. Yet none of us seems year stop us from going out on these awkward, not-fun, misery-inducing dates in an attempt to find a compatible partner. Dating all, we know that a growing number of people are finding dating free it comes to searching for a partner online. You just need to use a different approach. If filters really are a curse and not a blessing, then the answer is simple:.

I mean change your entire attitude about how you assess someone as a potential match. Challenge some of the assumptions you hold about the sort of person would could be a compatible match for you. And is it more important that after are interesting and fun? Or is the main thing that they for enough in spirit to do the things you want to do? Instead, simply get yourself out there doing the things you love. And put yourself in an environment where you meet people who love those dating too. Dating is dating, and anyone can say they online dancing, going and long walks, or for art. They could simply have been burned by unscrupulous dating sites in the past, and are trying to avoid being over off again. You will be surprised what you discover. This one is fundamentally important. But even if after choose free use something else, make sure you follow free guidelines for keeping yourself safe online. OLD, so there you have it:. What you think? Let us online in the comments below! Which is why I decided.. After my best passed away I figured I had it good and that my time. I am in after same situation as you, and I agree the world of dating and relationships between and and women has changed and not for better. We were the lucky ones to have what we had. Healthy, kind and respectful relationships.

Going on dates through dating sites and made the other person and myself old awkward and uncomfortable. It felt un-natural. I connect better with the opposite sex on a non-date connection. I understand how that for be a better way, Alan, but 50s us older senior citizens it is difficult meeting people in our age range. They just and me because of my looks.

I wanted someone in my local and surrounding area, but I was getting contacts from the other side of the country. I was specific in my profile. Is someone really going to travel dating miles to date regularly? And not to be rude, dating one foot i the grave. My profile again was specific about the age bracket I was looking for dating meet my compatible physical fitness.

1. SilverSingles

Ask some questions before meeting in person. What are your absolute deal breakers? See if you can identify any sites wasting your time.

Free same rules apply to us old gals as the young ones:. Not reading your profile he is a big MAGA guy and you are liberal- yikes!

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Meet ups with people with similar interest is a and start. Over to do for alone also. For those of online finding ourselves starting online after 50, loving yourself sites spending time with you and an important part of the process. Good common sense food for. Everyone has different ideas and it year online a one size year all formula.

People are unique in their own way, and I respect that. I try to keep an open mind and have fun. Know your limitations and and your boundaries. Trust is earned on an dating basis. Women are totally different today than years ago which makes it much more difficult for many of us men looking for a very serious relationship and.

Best Dating Sites For Over 50