1. Singleparentmeet Reviews
  2. Single Parent Meet Review

SingleParentMeet dating site 2021 review. Check out user ratings, match success, pricing & features of Single Parent Meet & choose the best dating site for you! Users on Singleparentmeet are 55 - 64 years old. The support service seemed very friendly to us and can help users in probably any of their questions 24/7. Singleparentmeet is mobile-friendly. The site’s administration try to does its best to keep the fraud level low. As for the value of service, the starting price on Singleparentmeet is $13.99. SingleParentMeet.com Review Main Features When you first create a free membership and sign-up for a profile on SingleParentMeet, you’ll be able to customize and set-up your personal profile in various ways to make it unique and distinct from other profiles.

SingleParentMeet.com is a dating site that supposedly prides itself on connecting single parents. They help individuals connect with people who are single parents and looking for someone who doesn’t mind that they have kids. These parents want to hook up with people. They want sex just like any other individual. Well, that’s what they would like you to think their primary focus is. Their actual focus seems to be nothing but talking members money, using your information and presenting false promises. I joined (not because I’m a parent) because I like dating hot moms and I figured a dating website dedicated to single parents would help meet my needs. Read my review below as I’ve shared everything that happened when I joined and long after.

This SingleParentMeet Review Reveals It All

After checking out SingleParentMeet.com for a month; I was able to determine what their main scamming practice was. They actually belong to a whole network of dating sites owned by the company People Media Inc. The company is huge and they have a ton of websites. Keep in mind that quantity doesn’t always yield results. I’ll tell you what happens when you join the site.

Once you fill out your profile, it gets posted on the entire network of sites. That might seem like a good thing, but it’s not for you. Your info might be on those other sites, but you are not. They take your info and create a profile that they can use to attract new users. They use the dating profiles to help entice individuals to first sign up for free and second upgrade to become a premium member. I’ll tell you right now that paying for a membership is a big waste of money. It’s just a huge network of false promises that I’d advise you not get involved in. If you do get caught up in it then I’d suggest that you cancel fast. If they use these kinds of tactics to deceive others and convince them to join then you best believe they aren’t going to stop anytime soon. It’s likely a wasted amount of effort that will take a lot of money from you and provide you with little to no results.

They might not be as expensive as other sites, but paying less money doesn’t make it any more effective. They just make it more affordable for you to take a chance on it. I hope this review will show you that this site is not worth paying for. They might take less of your money but it’s still your money and when it doesn’t work, you’ll be quite upset about it. If they spent half their energy on making a good dating site as they do on trying to get you to upgrade, SingleParentMeet.com would be a great niche dating site.

Let me shed some light on the join process. For starters, as you can see the homepage is pretty bare bones. You have to go throw the same song and dance with any other typical dating site. They require that you provide your basic vitals. You know, what you’re seeking, the country you are from, your zip code, a secure username and password, your DOB, and lastly, your email address. You’ll notice the small print that reads. “By clicking “Keep Going”, I agree to receive matches, emails from interested members and offers from SingleParentMeet.com. You may withdraw consent at any time.” That’s the sites way of saying we are going to send you promotional emails to get you to spend money.

On that final page where you finally hit the “Keep Going” button, you’re going to see that there are a two links where you can read the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policy of the site. It’s important that you read both of these. The Terms and Conditions state something rather interesting and well, downright wrong. They explicitly mention the re-posting of dating profiles. They make it a point to mention that you may be contacted by other members of other sites.


You can’t do much on SingleParentMeet.com without paying for a full membership. Once you become a free member, you will constantly be prompt to pay if you want to read and/or reply to any of the messages that you were receiving. You are supposed to be able to chat and exchange messages with other users after upgrading. I guess results may vary given that I’ve had bad luck. When SingleParentMeet finally gets your upgrade money it’s not going to make a difference in your success. Well, that was my personal experience anyway.

Phone Conversation

Phone conversations were slim to none for me here. Didn’t really interact with anyone worth having any type of legit phone conversation with. To be honest, none of the messages that I received ever led to a phone conversation. There was one girl that I started chatting with that I thought was somewhat hot, but it didn’t really go any further than some flirting via text. I’m not sure if this has something to do with the site being filled with bots or whether or not it has to do with the profile creation across multiple sites.

Meeting Single Parents

You probably won’t meet anyone, but there are some other ways they take your money. You can purchase tokens that allow you to do things like get notified when certain members are online, have your profile bumped up to the top of searches and send virtual gifts. None of which lead me anywhere close to getting lucky. No single hot mom was giving me any action.

How To Cancel

Singleparentmeet Reviews

Trust me, it’s only a matter of time before you will be writing me asking how to cancel your membership before you get charged again. Here’s how to do it. Just visit the home page, login into the site and visit the main page which displays your account information. Click on the settings menu and click on “My Account.” Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for a link that says “Account Status.” Click on the link and you will be able to cancel your membership. Simple as that and now you have money to join a real dating site.

Singleparentmeet Reviews

Conclusion: SingleParentMeet Duplicates Your Profile And Takes Your Money

SingleParentMeet looks more attractive and effective than it really is. It has a nice simple layout and it looks like a lot of fun but it’s not. The site led me nowhere and it certainly cost me more money than I thought it would. I canceled and won’t recommend it to anyone. If you’re looking for single horny moms, this isn’t the place to meet them.

What other adult dating sites to single parents join to bang?

Tough question to answer. There are so many adult dating sites out there that I can’t keep track of them all. However, what I can do is recommend a few gems to you that I know you can get lucky using. Keep in mind that I’ve had sex with quite a few yummy mommies on the sites listed below.

Sites I Use WeeklyRanking# of MembersResponse RateMy ThoughtsOverall RatingRead ReviewVisit Site
Huge Member BaseRead Full Review
Horniest WomenRead Full Review
New Local Easy GirlsRead Full Review
Best Overall Sex Dating SiteRead Full Review

SingleParentMeet.com is a dating site that supposedly prides itself on connecting single parents. They help individuals connect with people who are single parents and looking for someone who doesn’t mind that they have kids. These parents want to hook up with people. They want sex just like any other individual. Well, that’s what they would like you to think their primary focus is. Their actual focus seems to be nothing but talking members money, using your information and presenting false promises. I joined (not because I’m a parent) because I like dating hot moms and I figured a dating website dedicated to single parents would help meet my needs. Read my review below as I’ve shared everything that happened when I joined and long after.

This SingleParentMeet Review Reveals It All

Singleparentmeet reviews

After checking out SingleParentMeet.com for a month; I was able to determine what their main scamming practice was. They actually belong to a whole network of dating sites owned by the company People Media Inc. The company is huge and they have a ton of websites. Keep in mind that quantity doesn’t always yield results. I’ll tell you what happens when you join the site.


Once you fill out your profile, it gets posted on the entire network of sites. That might seem like a good thing, but it’s not for you. Your info might be on those other sites, but you are not. They take your info and create a profile that they can use to attract new users. They use the dating profiles to help entice individuals to first sign up for free and second upgrade to become a premium member. I’ll tell you right now that paying for a membership is a big waste of money. It’s just a huge network of false promises that I’d advise you not get involved in. If you do get caught up in it then I’d suggest that you cancel fast. If they use these kinds of tactics to deceive others and convince them to join then you best believe they aren’t going to stop anytime soon. It’s likely a wasted amount of effort that will take a lot of money from you and provide you with little to no results.


They might not be as expensive as other sites, but paying less money doesn’t make it any more effective. They just make it more affordable for you to take a chance on it. I hope this review will show you that this site is not worth paying for. They might take less of your money but it’s still your money and when it doesn’t work, you’ll be quite upset about it. If they spent half their energy on making a good dating site as they do on trying to get you to upgrade, SingleParentMeet.com would be a great niche dating site.

Let me shed some light on the join process. For starters, as you can see the homepage is pretty bare bones. You have to go throw the same song and dance with any other typical dating site. They require that you provide your basic vitals. You know, what you’re seeking, the country you are from, your zip code, a secure username and password, your DOB, and lastly, your email address. You’ll notice the small print that reads. “By clicking “Keep Going”, I agree to receive matches, emails from interested members and offers from SingleParentMeet.com. You may withdraw consent at any time.” That’s the sites way of saying we are going to send you promotional emails to get you to spend money.

On that final page where you finally hit the “Keep Going” button, you’re going to see that there are a two links where you can read the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policy of the site. It’s important that you read both of these. The Terms and Conditions state something rather interesting and well, downright wrong. They explicitly mention the re-posting of dating profiles. They make it a point to mention that you may be contacted by other members of other sites.


You can’t do much on SingleParentMeet.com without paying for a full membership. Once you become a free member, you will constantly be prompt to pay if you want to read and/or reply to any of the messages that you were receiving. You are supposed to be able to chat and exchange messages with other users after upgrading. I guess results may vary given that I’ve had bad luck. When SingleParentMeet finally gets your upgrade money it’s not going to make a difference in your success. Well, that was my personal experience anyway.

Phone Conversation

Phone conversations were slim to none for me here. Didn’t really interact with anyone worth having any type of legit phone conversation with. To be honest, none of the messages that I received ever led to a phone conversation. There was one girl that I started chatting with that I thought was somewhat hot, but it didn’t really go any further than some flirting via text. I’m not sure if this has something to do with the site being filled with bots or whether or not it has to do with the profile creation across multiple sites.

Single Parent Meet Review

Meeting Single Parents

You probably won’t meet anyone, but there are some other ways they take your money. You can purchase tokens that allow you to do things like get notified when certain members are online, have your profile bumped up to the top of searches and send virtual gifts. None of which lead me anywhere close to getting lucky. No single hot mom was giving me any action.

How To Cancel

Trust me, it’s only a matter of time before you will be writing me asking how to cancel your membership before you get charged again. Here’s how to do it. Just visit the home page, login into the site and visit the main page which displays your account information. Click on the settings menu and click on “My Account.” Scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for a link that says “Account Status.” Click on the link and you will be able to cancel your membership. Simple as that and now you have money to join a real dating site.

Conclusion: SingleParentMeet Duplicates Your Profile And Takes Your Money

SingleParentMeet looks more attractive and effective than it really is. It has a nice simple layout and it looks like a lot of fun but it’s not. The site led me nowhere and it certainly cost me more money than I thought it would. I canceled and won’t recommend it to anyone. If you’re looking for single horny moms, this isn’t the place to meet them.


What other adult dating sites to single parents join to bang?

Tough question to answer. There are so many adult dating sites out there that I can’t keep track of them all. However, what I can do is recommend a few gems to you that I know you can get lucky using. Keep in mind that I’ve had sex with quite a few yummy mommies on the sites listed below.

Sites I Use WeeklyRanking# of MembersResponse RateMy ThoughtsOverall RatingRead ReviewVisit Site
Huge Member BaseRead Full Review
Horniest WomenRead Full Review
New Local Easy GirlsRead Full Review
Best Overall Sex Dating SiteRead Full Review