1. Short Guys On Dating Apps
  2. Short Guys On Dating Apps Free
  3. Are There Good Guys On Dating Apps

Oh, short guys. We love them, we hate them, and sometimes we date them.

Does anyone know of any dating apps for short men? There was one called 'Short King Dating' which some of us were looking forward to but they're taking forever to release. There aren't any updates from them either unfortunately. Dating on apps like bumble is hard. Do women have attraction towards short guys? I am fairly short (5'4) and perhaps below average looking face. Although I do work out regularly and stay in shape myself (not for prospects but for my own health). I have been trying out AM matches through matrimonial apps and relative acquaintances. Short King Dating đź‘‘. F.ck tall guys, date a short king. 'Tall, dark, and handsome' is outdated, and kings are in short supply. Don't let height get in the way of true love. Sign up for our beta and get free premium for one year! Get Early Access. Must be a short king (5'8' or shorter) or short king lover. (LGBTQ+ friendly!). The number of ladies on dating sites listing a minimum height requirement for potential matches is stunning. At the outset, I can understand: women are typically shorter than men; and if a man. Oct 2, 2018 - Examples of good online dating profile examples for men that you can use as a template or inspiration. Get an idea of what works!. See more ideas about online dating profile examples, online dating profile, dating profile.

I should clarify that I’m talking SHORT. Height is pretty relative. A girl who is 5’9' is obviously going to think most guys are pretty short.

But even me -- a gal of 5 feet and 4 inches -- has problems. When I say 'short,' I’m talking like 5’7' and under. That kind.

A little mini-guy. A munchkin. An Oompa Loompa man.

I once dated a tiny man. He was cute, but dang was he a shorty. He wasn’t exactly shorter than me, but he had maaaaaaaybe an inch on me.


He had ripped muscles, so he looked like one of those short, heavyweight wrestlers from the movies. Like, you know... squat.

There’s nothing wrong with dating a guy who’s shorter than you, but it does come with its difficulties.

Here are 11 very real truths about dating a guy who is shorter than you.

1. He loves you in high heels… until you actually wear them.

Your boyfriend loves a woman in heels … in theory. He’ll constantly ask you why you always wear flats.

Him: “But babe, you look so sexy in high heels.”

Me: “I know, but they’re so painful and annoying.”

What you’re really thinking is, 'I’m not wearing heels so I can be a solid 5 inches taller than you (and that’s in kitten heels).' When you do wear heels, he immediately realizes the error of his ways. Once you’re towering over him, he’s ready for you to get back down to his level.


2. You feel like it’s all anyone ever sees.

When you’re out in public and people look at you, you wonder if they're thinking that you're a girl with a short boyfriend.

He may have a beautiful face, killer abs and a stellar personality, but all you or anyone else can seem to focus on is that your boo is a tiny little munchkin. You try to ignore it, but it’s just always an issue. It never goes away.

3. It makes you self-conscious about your own height.

You have a whole new insecurity that you never could have predicted: He makes you feel like a giant.

Why couldn’t you just be 5'3'? Then this wouldn’t be an issue, and you could go on your merry way without constantly stressing yourself out.

You have to put away your heels and just resign yourself to wearing ballet flats for all eternity. You used to love being a tall, sexy woman, but now it just feels like a problem over which you have zero control.

4. It’s always lurking in the back of your mind.

Your internalization of the patriarchy makes you question why you’re dating him. Guys are supposed to be the tall ones, right? You feel insecure about it, and that makes you feel like a huge jerk.

You don’t want this to affect your relationship, but somehow it just does. No matter how many times you tell yourself you’re totally fine with this, it’s still there in the back of your head, eating away at your happiness.

It truly blows that something so seemingly silly could be such a cause of discontent. He can’t help that he’s short. What do you want him to do, wear stilts? You’re the one who agreed to date him in the first place, you a-hole! Ugh.

5. You don’t line up right during INTIMACY.

Of course, this can also happen with a tall guy. But having a short guy on top of you is always slightly awkward. When his feet reach only the tops of your ankles, it's weird.

Also, he’s small, so he isn’t exactly the cookie-cutter vision of masculinity. Sometimes you just want to be thrown around in bed by a big, hot stud. That's just not in the cards for you, my friend.

6. You find yourself justifying why you're dating him.

You find yourself saying things like, “But he’s really sweet!” or “He’s really funny, trust me.” Or even, “I don’t care about trivial things like height.” You should not have to make justifications about your choice of mate.

For some reason, people think that you must be desperate for a boyfriend -- just because he's short. I mean, why else would you choose a guy 'like that'? It’s pretty messed up that this is our reality, but there's no denying it.

7. You’re very strategic about taking photos together.

You have him stand while you sit. Or you make sure to sit down at the same time. You don’t want him to know that you’ve spotted an uneven surface and intentionally placed yourself on the lower part to give him a few inches. You just let it seem natural.

“What? No, babe, I’m not trying make you look taller. You just look so cute standing on that little ledge. Love you!”

8. You wonder if he shops for boys' clothes, and it makes you uncomfortable.

You just can’t help wondering, “Is that suit jacket from the boys' section at Barney’s, or what? Because I’m about 92 percent certain that is not a jacket made for an adult male.”

Bonus points if you’ve looked at the tag. Minus points if the suit jacket really was from the boy’s section.

9. You constantly joke about his nubbin height.


I mean, what else are you supposed to do? He’s short and it’s funny. You can’t let it be the elephant in the room. You would go insane. So you call him your 'little munchkin' and ask if he can reach the top shelf without a stool.

The issue is that he is already self-conscious about his petite stature. It definitely doesn’t help when you’re constantly making fun of him. It helps you feel less awkward about it. But it makes him feel bad.

10. He is constantly trying to compensate.


He likes to brag about his career and how successful he is. He wants to be a “man.' He has a classic Napoleon complex. He talks loudly, makes crazy jokes and always wants to be the life of the party. You love him, but it can really be a bit much.

11. Guess what? He’s actually the best.

Luckily, he has an amazing personality, because he spent so long making up for his height.

The thing is, we don’t give the short guy enough credit. He tries harder, and he's funnier and nicer than the tall ones who don't put in the effort. The short guys are the real winners.

He may not be society's 'ideal' height, but he’s a good boyfriend -- and that’s what matters most.

“Swipe left if you’re under 6 foot”

“Tall guys only!”

“I would date you, but you’re just too short.”

Almost all shorter men (around 5’9″ and below) have heard similar phrases, or seen them posted online. Statistics and scientific studies back up this information too: women do prefer taller guys.

Before I continue, I want to mention that I, a shorter man, have written a book specifically for short guys that WILL get you dates (if you follow the directions): Order The Short Man’s Dating Handbook Now To Find Love.

Short Men Dating Obstacles

If you’re a short guy reading this article, then I don’t have to tell you that the odds are stacked against you. Every short man can tell a story of the obstacles he’s faced in the dating game, from being filtered out of searches online, being told he’s perfect, but not tall enough, to outright hostility from women who think short=inferior.

The studies confirm that dating as a short guy is hard mode. Simply put, there are very few couples where the woman is taller. And, most women want to date a taller guy. What this means is that guys who are shorter than average have a much more limited pool of women to date at the start than their taller brethren. It sucks knowing that a genetic factor over which you have no control can disqualify you from the start!


The odds are stacked against you as a short man. But, getting dates isn’t impossible for short guys, and many short guys date beautiful women and get into long lasting and fulfilling relationships.

Still, short guys have to work harder and be extra attractive compared to their taller friends. This is because being tall is an indicator of attraction in and of itself. Think of Bingo. The “free” space gives you an advantage. Tall guys have a built in advantage just for existing. Shitty for you? Of course. But, that’s OK.

Short Guy Dating Tips

I have had success in dating and relationships (yes, even Tinder) and I’m going to share my tips. Not only do I draw from my own experience, but also the science of dating and attraction. In addition, I’ve successfully taught these skills to my coaching clients, many of whom are short. And, yes, these tips worked for them. They’ll work for you too if you give them a chance.

Short Guys On Dating Apps


Short guys often lack confidence or have trouble conveying it. It makes sense because short men are often bullied by other guys and even by women. Yet, women love confidence. And, they find insecurity very unattractive.

Sure, you may have good reason to be insecure and angry if you’ve been teased or rejected based on your height. And, gaining confidence isn’t as easy as saying “be confident.” However, it is essential for getting dates.

First, don’t whine or complain about your height around women. Don’t vent about their height preferences or “call them out” for heightism. If you must vent, do it around guy friends or with your therapist. Whining and complaining are unattractive because they make you look weak and insecure.

Second, develop confidence or fake it. David wrote an article, Hey Short Guys: How To Become Taller which explains ways shorter guys can come across as more dominant and confident, and therefore more attractive. Also this article explains the main factor women are looking for in a guy: power. These articles go beyond the empty slogan “be confident.”

Confidence mainly comes through self-improvement and achievement. If you want to be confident, then become a more excellent person. Here are a few examples of confidence boosting activities: get fit, take on leadership positions, dress better, take up a valuable hobby (like becoming a musician), or learn the martial arts.

Don’t Emphasize Your Height

Short stature isn’t an attractive trait, not in men at least. So, be confident and proud of who you are, but don’t emphasize your lack of height either. This isn’t about being ashamed of yourself. Every smart person emphasizes the traits that others prefer. It’s basic marketing. It’s why a well-endowed woman might wear a tighter shirt, but won’t draw attention to her ugly nose.

Wear shoes with a heel, avoid clothes that make you look shorter (like pleated pants). You might even want to consider buying lifts to put in your shoes when you go out. However, only add about an inch or less, especially if you plan on taking them off around a girl or even friends.

Definitely don’t make self-deprecating jokes about your height or take the bait if she brings up your height. Own it if the topic comes up (see below), but don’t dwell on it.

Look Your Best

Being short is a dating disadvantage, but everyone has dating obstacles, even tall guys. If you’re short, have other things going for you physically. You want your first impression when meeting a woman to be something other than “he’s too short.”

This means do everything else right physically. If you’re overweight, lose weight (and bulk up – see below). Dress fashionably, keep your hair by using anti-baldness medication, etc. When a girl sees you, let her first thought be “I know he’s shorter than I typically like, but boy he’s got a great body” or “He’s kind of short, but he’s so hot!” Yes, women think this way.

Particularly Get Some Muscle

David has another article about how important muscularity is for attraction. In fact, it may be the most important physical factor for attracting a woman. Many shorter guys fear coming across as “too bulky” for fear of looking shorter, but when I’m talking about being muscular, I’m referring to a lean muscular look, not being a bodybuilder.

So, if you’re short and generally tiny, you’re at an even bigger disadvantage. A recent study even affirms how important being muscular is for short guys.

Don’t Get Rattled

Short guys often hear shit about their height from women. In many cases, it’s just a test. They want to see how you react. If you get sad, nervous, or angry, you’ve failed. If you’re cool and don’t care, you pass.

Are these tests a huge pain? Yes, but all guys get them. Women use them to weed out the losers. Don’t be a loser.

A good response to short related comments would be “it’s not really about my height, but how awesome I am” or “Most women I date don’t even care.” If she laments that she usually dates tall guys, I always like this reply: “You’re a little (older, younger, taller, shorter) than I usually date, but I’m willing to see what happens.”

Above all, you need amused mastery in every situation. You have to be in charge, not care, and convey that you don’t need her attention. You don’t do this rudely, but calmly and with humor and charm. Here is more on amused mastery.

Be High Value

Guys like Kevin Hart, Patrick Stump of the band Fall Out Boy, and Bruno Mars are all short. Do you think they get rejected for dates? Probably not. No woman will turn down a high value man, even if he’s short.

Short Guys On Dating Apps Free

Short men dating need to realize that they must raise their value (or project it better). Find a way to earn more money, become a manager or owner of a company, get insanely fit, learn to play an instrument well, etc. Raise your “value” and you will be more attractive to women at any height. Tallness is a value. Ramp up your value in ways that aren’t genetic.

Are There Good Guys On Dating Apps

Short Guys Dating Online: Beware!

Most dating sites list heights. And, women typically have, at least in theory, height standards. So, short dudes have two bad options. They are honest and women immediately reject them based on a number (before even seeing or engaging their profile). They lie and the “in person” date is a problem.

The best choice is to meet women in person first. That way, your height is out there and you don’t have to awkwardly discuss it later.

But, if you meet them online, find a way to charm and wow them immediately, so they can’t focus on your shortness. Have a witty profile. Send them messages that are funny and cocky. Be original and valuable so they know you’re not just a number they (supposedly) don’t like.

Also, add an inch or so to your height (but no more). Is it lying? Maybe, but I promise you most of the women fudge their age and weight. If you are high value enough (funny, charming, good-looking), women will forgive your height discrepancy when they meet you, if they even notice it at all. Quit being so noble and play the game, short guys! Oh, and wear boots to get your closer listed height.

Once again, if you are interested in learning a lot more, check out Size Doesn’t Matter: The Short Man’s Handbook of Dating And Relationship Success, and be sure to browse the hundreds of free articles here.